Start Your Own Computer Repair Business

1. Know your street value. In the early 90’s, running a PC repair business centered around selling parts and products, with service on the side. Today, it’s about selling hours. If you run a business, you need to consider the X3 rule. That means you should charge 3x the amount of whatever a technician earns hourly. A computer repair tech in Canada earns roughly $40/hour, so in order to keep your business running, you will need to charge about $120/hour. This additional money is used for website maintenance, telephone costs and other expenses like rent or software licenses you will need to run a solid business.

2. Determine who your ideal customer is. If you’re looking to sell and service computers within your local community and remain a one-person operation, residential clients may suit you best. They’re generally more responsive to advertising and marketing than small-business owners are. Residential work is less demanding and the market is huge, although the competition is fierce – think Best Buy’s Geek Squad in Calgary for example. Another downside to residential customers is that your clients will tend to be more budget-conscious than if you target the business owner.

If you decide to target the non-residential market, think small. Niching is one way to go. Look at your existing contacts. Perhaps you know the principal at a school, a banker or the owner of a real estate firm. These folks may lead you in to an area of specialization since the software systems tend to be similar.