Health Benefits of Playing Dragon Boating

Dragon boating is a water sport that has originated in China thousands of years ago. Traditionally, it was played for the celebration of the harvesting season and thanking of rain deity. The traditional festival has become an important sport played across the globe.


International Dragon Boating Federation is the organisation that organises events or competition worldwide. Separate bodies of dragon boating have been established in the a prominent countries to host events in the local area. The sport is exciting and challenging as it needs proper preparation from the players.

Here are the health benefits of playing dragon boating:

  • It increases stamina in the body
  • Increase muscle endurance and strength
  • It creates adrenaline rushes and reduce stress
  • Delivers complete workout in the arm, stomach, and legs
  • Teach life lesson of teamwork and forget life-long friendship
  • Improve quality of life for cancer survivors

How to Play Dragon Boating?

If you’re looking for a water sport with great excitement and health benefit, it may be dragon boating. To play this game, you need 22 average crew members on average. A drummer stand in the front beat the drum and give a rhythm in paddling. Ten pairs of paddlers sit in the middle to row and propel the boat towards the destination. Steersman who stands at the end of the vessel give direction during the event or participating in the competition.


Top sports paddle manufacturers are offering standard paddles which are useful to increase thrills in the sport. The usual distant of boating race is 500 m, and the shorter race is of 250 m. Paddling for a long distant race is a demanding physical activity. It is essential for players to increase stamina going to the gym and following the instruction of professionals. Team leaders offer instruction to achieve higher fitness to be eligible to play the game.

Top Things Required in Dragon Boating